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Lived Experience

Have you ever picked up a brochure about counseling services and wondered who those people are in the photo? They look a bit too staged. Can you see the depth of their angst? Can you see the mask they are wearing? We can’t. They look like photos that could be used advertising an upcoming festival or on a website promoting college. 

Have you ever looked at a drawing that captured the overwhelming anxiety you feel every time you leave your home? Has a song spoken to you in a way that you were sure they experienced depression so deep that getting out of bed was too much? Or a poem that permeated your mind and gave you hope that manic moments could lead to beauty not chaos?

If creative content is used in all the areas where emotional and mental health is discussed, it can change the dynamics: draw in those that are the audience, provide a financial living for many that find typical employment challenging and provide authenticity to the supporters’ efforts. For this reason, we have created a supporter category that provides access to a set amount of creative content monthly. Our hope is when our supporters use our content we will be seen by all in an accepting manner.